VEIT Founder Sri K. S. Chandrasekhariah's Message
Message from Founder
Founder Sri K. S. Chandrasekhariah’s Message in Kannada
Founder Sri K. S. Chandrasekhariah’s Message in English
Established in 1956 with a view to nurture and support value based quality education VEIT is a family df five academic institutions comprising nursery, Primary, higher secondary, pre-university and undergraduate level.
Our aim at VEIT is to shape the achievers of future and equip them with intrinsic values, state of the art skills and top class capabilities to shine in their chosen field.
VEIT offers the best of infrastructure, libraries stocked with excellent books, state of the art laboratories, creative project facilities and an enabling and conducive environment for learning. It has as proactive faculty base consisting of highly qualified reputed, knowledgeable teachers who are always accessible, extensive students interaction is encouraged through seminars, guest lectures, project works, and colloquiums etc. There are ample opportunities for students to showcase their varied talents. We at VEIT believe that this creates a healthy, holistic self that motivates them towards becoming better human beings and productive citizens.
Time is a limited resource. If the students have the ambition to make a mark in any field the only way is to choose the right direction and strive to achieve the goal.
I wish all students a bright academic future, an illustrious career, and happy life.