Extra Curricular Activities
Our club is an association of group of students organized with a similar interest for a social, literary or other common purpose.
- Clubs offer students opportunities to pursue old interest, hobbies to discover new ones.
- Conception of clubs in our school was started around 60 years ago and late VCPUC has taken the legacy forward
- Club activities in our school were started under the guidance of our founder Sr. K C Chandrasekariah in 1956 and VCPUC has taken the initiative to start new class activities under the leadership of our president and CEO Sri K C Raghunandan.

Importance of Clubs
Clubs help students develop their
(i) Talent (ii) Learning new skills (iii) Time management
(iv) Improving confidence to talk in a group or new people
(v) Leadership skills       Â
(vi) Gives opportunity’s to combine components of their mental & social development into personal action, critical thinking and evaluation skills
Other Clubs
Physical Education
Physical education in an integral part of the school programme and it is no less important than any other subject in the regular curriculum. It provides the students with opportunities to learn motor skills, develop fitness and gain understanding about the importance of physical activity leading to all round development of students.
Yoga has been an integral part of Health and physical education in Vijaya High School. Yoga contributes not merely to the physical development of children but has a positive impact on psychological and mental developments. It brings about flexibility and muscular fitness and also corrects postural defects in children. Yoga and Physical education are seen as routes for achieving overall development of children.
The National Cadet Corps or NCC is engaged in grooming the youth, the leaders of tomorrow into disciplined and patriotic citizens. It aims at shaping the personality of our youth through multifarious activities, imbibing in them the qualities of tenacity, discipline and patriotism. Coming under the control of the 7th Karnataka Battalion of NCC, the troupe at our College numbered 132 consists one officer, one CQMS, three sergeants, 3 corporals, 4 Lance Corporals and 89 Cadets including girls. 50 parades are Uniformly spread over eight months from June to Jan each year.
Non-formal Education
Under Non formal education students are equipped with useful vocational skills such as typing, book binding, tailoring etc.
Typing training is given to students in two phases. They are taught correct placement of fingers, movement of fingers and the bases skills needed for touch typing once they acquire these skills the focus in shifted to speed. Parents are kept informed about the progress.
The purpose of the training conducted in two phases is to teach the children to stitch the basic dress and utility material. Parents are kept informed about teh progress.
The well equipped book binding section imparts the necessary skill and trains the students in the art of making different types of covers, envelops, files, etc., Essentials of book binding, restoration of old books, spiral binding are also taught to students.
School Savings Bank
The School Savings Bank Programmes is devoted to develop the habits of thrift among children and train them in handling money with accountability and responsibility. With the co-operation of a trained team of students, the savings bank functions every day during lunch hour under the supervision of a staff member.